Configuration files as a service

After using my "build-configs" tool to generate and manage configuration files for several personal and client Drupal projects for the past few months, I'm offering it as a product to purchase.

I can provide an initial Drupal project skeleton built using build-configs, and for a recurring monthly amount, ongoing updates and unlimited support via Slack.

I can retrofit it to an existing codebase, but as this will be different every time, I'll need more information to give a price.

See for more information and, as a list subscriber, use the code dailyconfigs to get an early-bird discount.

- Oliver

P.S. Do you want to learn about automated testing in Drupal? Take my free 10-day email course and get daily lessons straight to your inbox.

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About me

Picture of Oliver

I'm an Acquia-certified Drupal Triple Expert with 17 years of experience, an open-source software maintainer and Drupal core contributor, public speaker, live streamer, and host of the Beyond Blocks podcast.